Welcome to YumeMUD!

YumeMUD is still in its developmental stage but it is up and open to visitors. We welcome visitors but keep in mind that there is no guarentee about your character during its testing period. If you would like to try it out, there are a few ways you may go about it.

  • Telnet to the address yume.hubbe.net and port number 1997.
    Warning: You must have a telnet client installed to use the following link! (telnet yume.hubbe.net 1997)
  • Use our new (and not fully tested) web browser interface.
    Warning: You must use a JavaScript enabled browser to use the following link! (http://yume.hubbe.net:1999)
  • Use our even newer (and not fully tested) Java Client interface.
    Warning: You must use a Java enabled browser to use the following link! (http://yume.hubbe.net/javaclient)
Then just enter your character name and your personal password -- you will be ready to MUD!

. . . About YumeMUD . . .

YumeMUD is a completely unique MUD and is unlike most other MUDs you may have played. It was written from scratch using Pike v0.5 (a language similar to LPC and was developed by Fredrik Hübinette. YumeMUD has her own unique mudlib which has yet to be named -- Yumelib? Pikelib? Proflib? *giggle* want to email us your suggestion? YumeMUD runs on a Sun Sparc Ultra 1 @ 144 Mhz that uses a Solaris 2.6 operating system.

YumeMUD was created by Monica (Akasha) and Fredrik (Profezzorn) Hübinette. He is responsible for all the internal coding of the MUD, while she handles most of the descriptions and basic layout of the MUD.

We have also set up a Site Index and Web Activity Summary page for all of the pages on http://www.hubbe.net/.

. . . The Story of YumeMUD's Name . . .

The first name we came up with was 'PikeMUD' because that was the name of the language it runs on. 'Pike' is can also be thought of as a common puncturing weapon used on many MUDs, but we decided that it was too ugly of a name.

So, we sat in our living room, trying to come up with a better name. After staring at a movie poster for Akira Kurosawa's Dreams, Monica came up with the name 'DreamMUD'. This seemed to work pretty well for us because we were saddened to see our home MUD (NannyMUD) deteriorate. It was also our chance to create our 'dream' MUD, something where we could make our strange ideas become reality. We felt another connection for using the name 'DreamMUD' was that dreams use and explore your imagination which is exactly what making and playing a MUD is all about! Still, we could not agree that this was the right name for the MUD and it also seemed too common for a name. The search continued ...

Fredrik finally suggested using a Japanese word instead! Why? Well, first of all Monica is half-Japanese and her Japanese Garden is a main feature of the MUD. Also, the movie where the inspiration came from was a Japanese film so it just seemed to fit. Plus, having a Japanese name is just plain kewl and that is the real reason we picked that MUDname!

If you did not get the meaning from the story, 'yume' means 'dream' in Japanese. [:)]

There have been 108,589 people who have fallen in the mud since July 18th, 1998. The true source code of this page can be viewed at index.txt and it was last modified March 17th, 2001 at 21:23 PST. Content, photos and images ©1997-2025 Monica Hübinette and please visit the site index if you get lost. Read our privacy statement.